This oil painting – “Banyana’ by Avril Thomas was originally painted for an Australian National Portrait Prize – The Doug Moran.
Backstory. For a number of years Avril Thomas was a carer for a Quadriplegic – he required 24hr care in his home. Avril Thomas’ art career took off and she was no longer able to look after him. She visited him from time to time as he was an interesting character.

Banyana was one of his new carers. When Avril met her it was clear a painting had to be made and a National Competition was coming up. Banyana was a little surprised at the size of canvas 5’x6′

This oil painting was one of Avril Thomas works shown in a National exhibition in Victoria. Women Painting Women – the inaugural leg of a large movement worldwide. The first show for Australia which has now become a Biannual National event in Victoria, Australia. The Artists are selected, and paint in traditional realist style.

This painting was part of the inspiration for Avril Thomas’ next Archibald entry also the same size 5’x 6′ – A painting of Cheryl Bart AO. Cheryl is part of a very elite club – there only a few people in the world to have literally climbed every major mountain in the world and been to the North and South Pole. The climbing gear seemed a little ‘Ordinary” and Cheryl is quite petite and feminine…..How was Avril Thomas going to show her? Looking at the fabric around Banyana inspiration struck – There are Cheryl’s mountains. Her ice pick which had been to the top of Mount Everest spent quite some time in Avril Thomas Studio  
Cheryls portrait is part of a private collection in Sydney.

Banyana painting prints available online now – See them here 
The Original Oil Painting is for sale Contact via Artist Website


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Avril Thomas Art Gallery is at Magpie Springs
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